Trouble Shooting


Trouble Shooting#

The power and complexity of the UM leaves lots of scope for things to go wrong. Even if the UM installation is perfect, human errors can sometimes creep in (e.g. someone accidentally deleted some necessary files). Even if the UM and people were all perfect, sometimes gadi itself has problems. So, UM tasks will often fail. Let’s break a task on purpose with our test suite u-dl058 and learn how to diagnose problems and re-start suites.

Broken tasks#

Let’s break the install_ancil task.

In app/install_ancil/rose-app.conf let’s change the environment variable LEVELS from 70 to 73. i.e. change this section of the file from


to this


Now, let’s run the suite.

$ rose suite-run

That task will fail, while the fcm_make tasks will continue.


Let’s look a the job.out file for this task.

Suite    : u-dl058
Task Job : 20200116T0000Z/install_ancil/01 (try 1)

2024-12-12T07:11:26Z INFO - started
[INFO] Configuration: /home/548/pag548/cylc-run/u-dl058/app/install_ancil/
[INFO]     file: rose-app.conf
[INFO]     optional key: (nci_gadi)
[INFO] export CALENDAR=gregorian
[INFO] export LEVELS=73
[INFO] export OCEAN=orca025_lakes
[INFO] export PATH=/g/data/hr22/apps/cylc7/rose_2019.01.7/bin:/home/548/pag548/cylc-run/u-dl058/bin:/home/548/pag548/cylc-run/u-dl058/bin:/home/548/pag548/cylc-run/u-dl058/share/fcm_make_um/build-recon/bin:/home/548/pag548/cylc-run/u-dl058/share/fcm_make_um/build-atmos/bin:/home/548/pag548/cylc-run/u-dl058/share/fcm_make_surf/build/bin:/home/548/pag548/cylc-run/u-dl058/share/fcm_make_drivers/build/bin:/home/548/pag548/cylc-run/u-dl058/share/fcm_make_cice_to_si3/build-cice_to_si3/bin:/g/data/hr22/apps/cylc7/cylc_7.9.7/../23.09/bin:/g/data/hr22/apps/cylc7/23.09/bin:/g/data/hr22/apps/mosrs-setup/1.0.1/bin:/g/data/hr22/apps/cylc7/cylc_7.9.7/bin:/opt/pbs/default/bin:/opt/nci/bin:/opt/bin:/opt/Modules/v4.3.0/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/local/pbs/bin:/local/pbs/bin

                  Resource Usage on 2024-12-12 18:11:33:
   Job Id:             130549459.gadi-pbs
   Project:            gb02
   Exit Status:        1
   Service Units:      0.00
   NCPUs Requested:    1                      NCPUs Used: 1               
                                           CPU Time Used: 00:00:03        
   Memory Requested:   4.0GB                 Memory Used: 34.09MB         
   Walltime requested: 00:30:00            Walltime Used: 00:00:05        
   JobFS requested:    100.0MB                JobFS used: 0B              

Often, you won’t find any useful messages in job.out. Let’s look at the job.err file. This file is where cylc pipes all standard error (or stderr) message from the PBS scheduler.

TIP: If you using the cylc GUI to look at the output files, you can select job.err from a pull-down menu on the bottom right after you’ve looked at job.out.


The job.err file contains the following.

[FAIL] file:/home/548/pag548/cylc-run/u-dl058/share/data/etc/ancil_gl/qrclim.aeroclim=source=/g/data/access/projects/access/umdir/ancil/atmos/GC5/n320e/aerosol_clims/glomap/gregorian/v1/ [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/g/data/access/projects/access/umdir/ancil/atmos/GC5/n320e/aerosol_clims/glomap/gregorian/v1/'
2024-12-12T07:11:29Z CRITICAL - failed/EXIT

That is a useful error message. It tells us the task failed because it is trying to link to a file which doesn’t exist. No ancillary files in the UM_ANCIL_DIR exist with 73 levels.

Lets change levels back to 70 and save the file. This has updated the file ~/roses/u-dl058/app/install_ancil/rose-app.conf.

But how do we update the actual file in the ~/cylc-run/u-dl058 directory?

We can use the rose reload functionality by typing from ~/roses/u-dl058 directory:

$ rose suite-run --reload

The last outputs of this command should say

[INFO] u-dl058: reload complete. "suite.rc" unchanged

This tells us the suite definition in ~/cylc-run/u-dl058 has been updated, although we didn’t make any changes to suite.rc.

You can manually check the suite file has been updated by executing the following:

$ ls -lt ~/cylc-run/u-dl058/app/install_ancil/

The modified time of the rose-app.conf file should now be updated.

We can view this file from the command line using

$ more ~/cylc-run/u-dl058/app/install_ancil/rose-app.conf 


So our changes have correctly reloaded.

We can use the reload command while the cylc suite is still running. Note your suite IS still running. It is just paused and is waiting for the next dependency to be fulfilled before the next task can be executed. If you type

$ cylc scan

You should see the suite u-dl085 along with your username an persistent session name.

Now with the correct value of LEVEL, we can execute the failed job by right-clicking on install_ancil and selecting trigger (run now).


The install_ancil task will now succeed, and the rest of the suite will now continue as normal.

When running a suite, you’ll find the above very useful when having to deal with failed tasks, without having to re-start the suite from scratch. The cylc workflow engine is clever enough to pick-up from where you left off. You won’t have to restart the entire suite every time you hit a problem.